PHP include path problems

Published on 2009-09-15.

Working with include paths in PHP can sometimes provide quite a challenge. When everything resides in the document root there are no problems, but once the files are moved into one or more subdirectories difficulty may arise. This article uses Unix paths, not Microsoft Windows paths.

Relative vs. absolute path

First a note about the relative path vs. the absolute path.

The relative path points to a file or directory in relation to where the present file is located.

If you have an include in your index.php and are using a relative path for an inclusion like this:

include ('foo.php');

Then the script will look for the file foo.php in the same place as index.php

The absolute path is the "full path" from the webserver point of view. It is the path that contains the document root. For example /var/www/

If you have your index.php located in /var/www/ (notice the subdirectory) and are using an absolute path for an inclusion like this:

include ('/foo.php');

(Notice the preceding slash meaning an absolute path), then the script will look for the file foo.php in the document root of the webserver and not in the same place as index.php. Hence the script expects to find foo.php in the directory /var/www/ and not in the /var/www/ directory.

The problem

If you keep everything in the document root and always knows where your application is going to be installed, then it is easy to simply use an absolute path for inclusion every time, and if you are working on a Unix like operating system the variable $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] will provide you with the path to the document root (unless of course someone has disabled this feature on the webserver).

But what if you are developing an open source application, and you don't know where your application is going to be installed? Maybe it will be installed in the document root, or maybe it will be installed in a subdirectory inside the document root, or maybe even inside a subdirectory residing in another subdirectory. Once the application goes inside a subdirectory you can no longer trust absolute paths for inclusion.

In most cases the safest bet is to use the relative path for inclusion, but there is a potential problem with that as well. If your application has a need to include a lot of different files located in a lot of different subdirectories and the result is "nested includes", then using a relative path won't work. Imagine that you are including a menu in order to avoid having to update every single file if a change to the menu must take place.



Inside index.php and every other file you include the menu like this, using a relative path:

include ('incl/menu.php');

Inside the files in doc you include the menu like this, using a relative path:

include ('../incl/menu.php');

Now, at first this seems to be perfect, but what about the URL anchors inside the menu itself? If menu.php is using relative paths pointing to all the relevant files in the application, then the references needs to change if you are suddenly located inside the doc directory.

Let's imagine that your URLs in menu.php looks like this, again relative paths:

<a href="index.php">Home</a>
<a href="contact.php">Contact</a>
<a href="doc/documentation.php">Documentation</a>

If you have loaded the index.php document and click on any URL link in the menu, it will work perfectly, but if the documentation.php file is loaded and you click the index.php link in order to go back to the frontpage, the script will look for index.php inside the doc subdirectory.

A solution could be to only use absolute paths inside the menu itself, like this:

<a href="/index.php">Home</a>
<a href="/contact.php">Contact</a>
<a href="/doc/documentation.php">Documentation</a>

But then again, what if the application gets installed inside a subdirectory? The document root doesn't include subdirectories.

The same goes for using the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] variable as a reference.


<a href="http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?>/index.php">Home</a>
<a href="http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?>/contact.php">Contact</a>
<a href="http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?>/doc/documentation.php">Documentation</a>

The HTTP_HOST works as an absolute path and it doesn't include the subdirectory.

There exist several common approaches to solving the problems described above, but keeping it simple sometimes isn't an option (unfortunately).

The simple system

If you are developing a specific application to work at only one specific web server, and the application isn't supposed to be installed as an application for several different web servers, you should keep things as simple as possible.

If you are loading a file that is located in the same directory as the source file, just include the file name, don't use any path. This is the very basic and simple example of a relative path because the file and directory are both in same place. In other words, no path info is required if the files are in the same directory.

If you are including the menu into each file, where it is needed, and the menu is located inside a subdirectory like this: /var/www/, you need to remember to avoid including the menu from files located at other places than the document root itself.

Define an install path

The common solution to the problems described above is to define an install path and then only use absolute paths and URLs.

This solution is extremely effective, but the challenge lies in how to define something that you don't know.

The install path is where the application gets installed, it is the document root added any possible subdirectories.

The Wordpres way

I don't know if Wordpress still use this method, but a commonly used way to deal with the above, is to have the install script scan for the current working directory upon installation and then save the information in the database (or filesystem) for later usage.


The install script will scan its working directory and remove the filename and then save that information as the install path in the database. The install path will be defined as a constant and then be used as an absolute path throughout all the files in the system.

Here's an example that will result in the install path:

// Fixing the install path.
$script_path = realpath(basename(getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")));
$slash = explode('/', getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"));
$current_filename = $slash[count($slash) - 1];
$install_path = str_replace($current_filename, "", $script_path);// Fixing the host URL.

The output of the explode command is an array. The script will collect the last element of the array, which is the filename of the running script, no matter where it is located. The result left is the document root added any possible subdirectories.

The method is quite effective, but it does contain one small problem. If the user needs to move his application to another host and the install path changes, he can't simply move the application and restore the database. He has to change the install path inside the database first.

Get the user to do it

This method requires that the user manually writes the install path manually inside a variable in the configuration file.

Since the user has to enter his database credentials in some kind of configuration file or during installation, he might as well enter the install path.

The main problem with this method is that a lot of people get the install path entered wrong. With or without the needed slashes etc. And since it can be scanned automatically there really isn't any reason why the user should enter it manually.

The best practice

Each solution has its own pro's and con's and I don't think there exist a best practice to the problem. Different frameworks use different solutions to the problems.

The best thing to do is to plan for the problem in order to get best result.

PHP Include vs. require

The only difference between the functions include() and require() or include_once() and require_once() is that when errors occurs the include functions generates a warning, and the script will continue to execute whereas the require functions generates a fatal error, and the script will stop execution.